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Chapter 1 Progresses and Problems in the Study of Hydrocarbon Migration Dynamics
  Hydrocarbons were generated from a source rock and moved into a carrier bed during primary migration,then moved further along the carrier bed during secondary migration,and.nally accumulated in a trap where the driving forces for migration reached equilibrium with resistant forces(England et al.,1987;Hobson,1954,1997;Magoon& Dow,1992).Hydrocarbon migration re.ects the essence of petroleum as a natural.uid and the dynamic nature of the process and,thus,is the core in the studyof petroleum geology,especially,dynamicsofhydrocarbon accumulation(Leverson,1967;Li,2013).Understandingtheprocessofmigrationisalsoimperative to petroleum exploration and production(Chen,1991;Luo,2003).Migration is a complex process and controlled by many factors of dynamics(Hunt,1996;Li,2003).It had occurred in the subsurface in the geological past and cannot be directly observedand,inmanycases,left littleevidenceinthe geologic record(Catalanetal.,1992;Dembicki&Anderson,1989;Schowealter,1979).Asa result,itis the least understood process in petroleum geology.
  This chapter provides an overview of the quantitative results of previous studies onhydrocarbon migration,accumulation,and dissipation and associated dynamics,analyzes the characteristics of migration pathways and related forces,presents an understanding of integrated processes of migration,accumulation,and dissipation and,.nally,discusses the methodology and approach in hydrocarbon migration research in petroliferous sedimentary basins.
  1.1 Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration
  The research onhydrocarbon migration and accumulation involves multiple disci-plines and has been pursued by many scientists over the years(e.g.,Chen,1988;Hobson,1954,1997;Hunt,1990;Jin & Zhang,2005;Li,2013;Luo,2003).Progresses have been made in several areas,including migration dynamics,hydro-carbon carrier systems,dynamic mechanisms of migration and accumulation,dating ofhydrocarbon charging into reservoirs,and geochemical tracing.Theyserve as the foundation for future studies on the dynamicsofhydrocarbon migration processes.
  1.1.1 Basic Concepts of Hydrocarbon Migration
  Hydrocarbon movement in carrier beds or reservoirs are generally termed secondary migration(Allen&Allen,1990;Hobson&Tiratsoo,1981;Li,2013;Mann et al.,1997).This de.nition implies that,after the primaryhydrocarbon migration out of the source rocks,the environmental and dynamic conditions for migration remain relatively consistent(Chen,1988;Hunt,1990;Li,2013;Zhang et al.,2000).In general,thephaseofhydrocarbonduringprimary migrationisthesameasthatduring secondary migration(Li,2003),and is dominantly free(Mann et al.,1997;Ungerer et al.,1984,1990).Oil migration in a water-soluble phase is inef.cient because of the low solubility of oil in formation water(Hunt,1996;McAuliffe,1979).In addition,oil migrates very slowly in a diffusion phase and cannot form signi.cant accumulations(Leythaeuseretal.,1982).Thephaseof naturalgas migrationislikely morediversethanthatofoil(Chen,1986).Thedensitydifference between naturalgas andwateris much greater than that between oil andwater;and under the subsurface conditions,thegas–water and oil–water interfacial tensions are similar(Li,2013).Thus,natural gas also migrates mainly as a free phase.Natural gas diffusion and dissolution in water are important during migration and accumulation(Hao et al.,1991,1994).Naturalgas can migrateina soluble phasein oil,because its solubility in oilis great and thegas canbe separated from oil underfavorable temperature and pressure conditions(Larter&Mills,1991).
  The generation,migration,accumulation,and later dissipation ofhydrocarbons as.uidallhaveoccurredinthewater-saturated space,including pores,fractures,and dissolution cavities(Zhang et al.,2000).Hydrocarbon tends to move in strata.Its mode,location,and their changes are determinedby the equilibrium amonghydro-dynamic force,capillary force,and buoyancy(Berg,1975;England et al.,1987;Hubbert,1953;Schowalter,1979;Wang&Chen,1999).Dynamically,hydrocarbon accumulates generallyinaplace,namelyatrap,wherethedrivingand resistant forces reach equilibrium.Hydrocarbon accumulation and dissipation are special cases in the realmof migration under speci.chydrodynamic and.uid.ow conditions(Luo,2008).
  Secondary migration conduits can be dissolution vugs and cavities,fractures,fault zones,and unconformities,in addition to pore space(Leverson,1967).The migration can occur laterally along carrier beds or unconformities orvertically along fault zones,depending on the equilibrium of migration forces and characteristics of conduits(Hobson&Tiratsoo,1981;Zhang&Zhang,1989).Thevertical migration distance can be up to several thousand meters,depending on the thickness of basin.llandfaultlength(Haoetal.,2004;Xieetal.,1997).Laterally,the distancecanbe 10s,even100sof kilometersifthe amountofhydrocarbonislargeand migration conduits are continuous(Allen&Allen,1990).
1 ProgressesandProblemsintheStudyofHydrocarbonMigrationDynamics 1
1.1 SecondaryHydrocarbonMigration 1
1.1.1 Basic Concepts of Hydrocarbon Migration 2
1.1.2 DrivingForcesofHydrocarbonMigration 3
1.1.3 ConduitsofMigration 7
1.1.4 CharacteristicsandFormingMechanismsofMigrationPathways 15
1.1.5 DynamicModelofHydrocarbonMigrationandAccumulation 18
1.1.6 Tracing and Dating Hydrocarbon Migration 21
1.2 Geodynamics and Methods of Quantitative Analysis 25
1.2.1 Geodynamics 25
1.2.2 DevelopmentofaGeologicalModel 26
1.2.3 MethodsofQuantitativeResearch 27
1.3 Dynamics in Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation 33
1.3.1 Development and Application of Migration and Accumulation Dynamics in Petroleum Geology 33
1.3.2 ConceptofHydrocarbonMigration-AccumulationDynamics 36
1.3.3 AspectsandMethodologyofHydrocarbonMigration-AccumulationDynamicsStudies 42
References 48
2 Mechanisms and Processes of Secondary Migration of Oil and Gas 63
2.1 Physical Experiments of Secondary Petroleum Migration 63
2.1.1 Experiment Setup and Observation System 64
2.1.2 FormationofMigrationPathways 70
2.1.3 RemobilizationinMigrationPathways 85
2.1.4 PathwaySaturationandOilSaturationinPathway 89
2.1.5 Oil Migrationina Single Fracture 102
2.2 Mechanisms and Processes of Secondary Migration ofHydrocarbon 106
2.2.1 Dynamic Characterization of Hydrocarbon Migration andPathwayPatterns 107
2.2.2 Mechanisms and ProcessesofPathwayFormation 109
2.3 Numerical Simulations of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration 121
2.3.1 MigMOD and Its Applicability 122
2.3.2 Simulation Using Conceptual Geological Models 127
2.3.3 Heterogeneity of Hydrocarbon MigrationPathways andIn.uencingFactors 132
2.3.4 ACase Study on Hydrocarbon Migration in Middle JurassicofParisBasin 141 References 145
3 HydrocarbonConduitSystemandItsQuantitativeCharacterization 151
3.1 Sandstone Carrier Beds and Their Characterization 152
3.1.1 Conceptof Carrier Bed 153
3.1.2 DelineationofCarrierBeds 155
3.1.3 Developmentof Carrier Bed Models 156
3.1.4 Geometric Connectivityof Carrier Beds 158
3.1.5 Fluid Connectivityof Carrier Beds 160
3.1.6 Quantitative Characterization of Conductivity ofCarrierBed 164
3.2 Quantitative CharacterizationofFault Carriers 166
3.2.1 GeologicalFactorsAffectingFault Opening and Sealing 168
3.2.2 Principles and Model of Quantitative Research onFault Opening and Sealing 170
3.2.3 ConceptofFault-Connectivity Probability 176
3.2.4 Effectiveness Evaluation of Parameters for CharacterizingFault Opening and Sealing 178
3.2.5 Quantitative CharacterizationofFault Carrier 189
3.3 Carriers Associatedto Unconformity 195
3.3.1 Characteristics of Unconformities as MigrationConduits 195
3.3.2 Spatial Distributionof Unconformity-Related CarrierBeds 199
3.3.3 Model of Unconformity-Related Carriers 211
3.4 Development and Quantitative Characterization of a Composite Hydrocarbon Conduit Framework 213
3.4.1 Principles of Construction of a Composite ConduitSystem 213
3.4.2 Method to Establish a Composite Conduit Framework 215
3.4.3 Quantitative Characterization of Composite Conduit Framework .219References 222
4 Quantitative Evaluation Method of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Ef.ciency and Resource Distribution 231
4.1 Primary Hydrocarbon Migration and Estimation ofHydrocarbonExpulsion 232
4.1.1 Dynamic Condition Analysis of Hydrocarbon Primary Migration 232
4.1.2 Estimation of Hydrocarbon Expulsion from SourceRocks 242
4.2 Estimation Method of Hydrocarbon Losses During Secondary HydrocarbonMigration 254
4.2.1 Model of Hydrocarbon Secondary Migration Process 255
4.2.2 Proportion of Hydrocarbon MigrationPathway toMigrationConduit 257
4.2.3 Estimation Model of Losses During Secondary Migration 264
4.2.4 CaseStudy 265
4.3 Estimation of Non-Commercial Hydrocarbon AccumulationLoss 268
4.3.1 Calculation Principle and Method 269
4.3.2 Examples of Non-Commercial Accumulation Amount Estimation 270
4.4 Quantitative Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Resources andSpatialDistribution 274
4.4.1 Material Balance Method for Hydrocarbon Resources Evaluation 274
4.4.2 Realization of Hydrocarbon Migration and AccumulationEvaluationin MigrationPathway 277
4.4.3 Method Process of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Eff Ef.ciency and Resource DistributionEvaluation 279
4.5 ApplicabilityTestof Research Methods 280References 286
5 Study of the Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Dynamics in the Eastern Part of the Southern Slope of the Dongying Sag 293
5.1 Characteristicsof Geological Elementsof ReservoirFormation 293
5.1.1 TectonicCharacteristics 294
5.1.2 Characteristicsof Stratigraphy 295
5.1.3 Petroleum Geological Conditions 301
5.2 Quantitative Study Based on Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Dynamics 305
5.2.1 Establishment of the Basin Geological Model 305
5.2.2 Modelling of the Evolution of Pressure System 314
5.2.3 Evolution History of Organic Matter Maturity 322
5.2.4 The Hydrocarbon Expulsion History of the SourceRocks 324
5.3 Hydrocarbon Migratio

